As patient cost-sharing obligations continue to increase, attention to organizational systems and processes for patient collections has become increasingly important. Critical Access Hospitals can implement some simple proactive steps to ensure the timely collection of patients' financial obligations and to increase revenue.
Below are Simple Ways to Improve Patient Collections
Organizational Set-Up
Set up your organization to maximize collections
Accept multiple payment methods, including cash, credit cards, checks
Allow patients to pay online
Make practice payment policy visible to patients
Invest in an insurance verification system
Develop and implement a collections process
Educate your staff on effective collection techniques
Before the Visit
Find out what your patients (will) owe and let them know
Obtain updated patient information, including insurance information
Provide patients with an estimate of out-of-pocket costs, including copays and deductibles
Inform patients of their payment obligation during scheduling and again at the time of the visit
During the Visit
Collect at the time of the visit
Collect all co-pays, deductibles, and past-due amounts at the time of the visit
After the Visit
Make the billing process simple, flexible and patient-centered
Send patients a simple bill with easy-to-find information
Provide them with multiple options for paying the bill, including offering payment plans
Follow up with calls to patients with outstanding bills after two bill reminders have been sent
Assess whether outsourcing may make your billing and collection process more efficient